Unraveling Our Strategy: A Deep Dive into Our Approach to Research and Development

Unraveling Our Strategy: A Deep Dive into Our Approach to Research and Development
What is our approach to research and development?

Research and Development, frequently referred to as R&D, constitutes an integral part of any enterprise, especially in the fast-paced tech-dominated industry we currently operate in. A tactful approach to R&D forms the bedrock of innovation and growth for a company. This article aims to unpack the approach and strategies our company utilizes in its research and development schemes. It is a complex, multifaceted process filled with challenges that necessitate careful planning and relentless dedication.

The Complexity and Challenge of the R&D Process

In many ways, the R&D process could be likened to navigating through an intricate labyrinth. Planning and estimating the R&D process is a task that requires careful thought, attention to detail, and expertise. This challenges arises from the intricacies involved in the R&D process, and the fact that, often, the exact outcomes or timescales are uncertain. This brings us to acknowledge the difficult nature of evaluating and estimating the research and development process.

When The Need for R&D Arises

Research and Development typically becomes necessary when faced with an undertaking that the team has not previously addressed. For instance, suppose we need to craft a high-volume data processing pipeline, but no one on the team has prior experience in the matter. This is the perfect catalyst for initiating an R&D process- providing both a challenge and an opportunity for growth.

Our R&D Approach

In such situations, our way is to assign 1-2 engineers as deputies for the R&D mission. These delegates would then be mandated to provide regular updates on the progress, whether it be weekly or daily, depending on the project's complexity and urgency.

Transitioning from R&D to Actual Product Development

Once we believe that we have gathered sufficient information about the problem, we terminate the R&D process. This does not mean that the phase was a failure. Rather, it signals that we are ready to move into the actual product development. We have amassed enough knowledge to tackle the issue at hand directly, having armed ourselves with as much information as possible from the R&D process.

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing in R&D

One of the most crucial aspects in the R&D process is the proper documentation and knowledge sharing. Needless to say, no process or project should be a one-man show. Therefore, even if one person conducts the R&D, it must be made possible for others to contribute to the actual implementation. The findings yielded from the R&D procedure should be diligently documented and shared amongst the team to facilitate smooth transition and implementation.