Balancing Innovation and Stability in Engineering Systems

Balancing Innovation and Stability in Engineering Systems
How do you balance the need for innovation and experimentation with the need for stability and reliability in engineering systems?

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses are faced with the challenge of balancing the need for innovation and experimentation with the need for stability and reliability in their engineering systems. On one hand, innovation drives growth and keeps businesses competitive in the market. On the other hand, stability and reliability are crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and ensuring the smooth operation of critical systems.

The Importance of Proper Internal Testing

A key principle in balancing innovation and stability is to never start a new initiative without proper internal testing. This means thoroughly evaluating the potential risks and impact of any changes to the existing systems before implementing them. By conducting extensive testing, businesses can identify and address any potential issues or vulnerabilities, ensuring that the stability and reliability of the system are not compromised.

POC Development for Experimentation

At Bravado, we have adopted a unique approach to balance innovation and stability in our engineering systems. One of our strategies is to include Proof of Concept (POC) development as part of our experimentation process. A POC involves a small team developing a demo application within a short timeline, typically a week. This allows us to explore new technologies and evaluate their potential impact on our systems.

During the POC phase, we focus on learning more about the technology and its capabilities. We assess its compatibility with our existing infrastructure and evaluate its potential benefits and drawbacks. This helps us make informed decisions about whether to proceed with integrating the technology into our systems or to explore alternative solutions.

Allocating Time for Innovation

In order to balance innovation and stability, it is important to allocate dedicated time for innovation within the engineering team's roadmap. At Bravado, we ensure that our main roadmap projects are estimated with 20-30% time saved for innovation and other exploratory activities. This allows our engineers to work on innovative ideas, experiment with new technologies, and contribute to continuous improvement.

By allocating time specifically for innovation, we create an environment that encourages creativity and experimentation. This not only helps us stay ahead of the competition but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within our engineering team.