Addressing the Need for Training and Development Programs in Tech Teams

Addressing the Need for Training and Development Programs in Tech Teams
What training and development programs do we need for our tech team?

There's a pressing question that's likely been asked in every tech organization worldwide: 'What kind of training and development programs do we need for our tech team?' This query, simple yet profound, seeks to address the balance between fostering growth in our team members and ensuring that their skills stay relevant in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Unpacking the Controversy Around Tech Training

This topic has proven to be quite contentious, primarily due to my personal experiences with engineering training programs. In the past, I have been a part of training that, in hindsight, was poorly planned and executed. They failed to provide any real value or growth, and this inevitably led to disappointment and a feeling of wasted time and resources.

Inviting Specialists as a Solution

On the other hand, one might find great value in inviting a specialist who can work with the team either to perform a kanban transformation, change how the team is planning the roadmap, or even both. Outside perspectives can provide fresh insights and potentially identify areas of improvement that may not be obvious to those directly involved in the day-to-day operations.

The Benefits of a Book Club

I have previously delved into the idea of running a book club as a type of training in one of my earlier blog posts. This initiative entails the team reading and discussing books related to their field. The group setting encourages a shared learning experience, cultivating a deeper understanding of the material and fostering team unity.

Defining Your Training Program

Overall, the training should have a well-defined goal, a comprehensive training plan, and a list of actionable items directly related to it. This approach ensures that the program remains focused and results in productive outcomes that directly contribute to both individual and team growth.